Welkom op mijn reisblog!

17 januari 2019

Hi There, 

Awesome that you are curious enough to read my stories! 💖 India is the land where my ancestors came from. My roots originaly lies in India, though my parents are from Surinam.
I always wanted to go someday to see India. Two years ago I had a conversation with Jaap Dieleman about his organisations and his works in India and how I can coöperate with the arts of our school and bring that to India. I also knew about the beautiful works of family Lazarus and there son & daughter in law Kingsly & Anita. They both have there ministries in the south of India.
The stories are heart touching and most of the time always a cry for help. I began to develop compassion for there works, the good projects, the investments they are making, the way of reaching the untouched and spreading love touched my heart. 
I really wanted to see and orientate during my stay what we can do as a school for this beautiful ministries! So with a lot of prayers and help from amazing friends and family and the students and teammembers of INSPIRE school this Journey became real! 
So let's see how this journey will turn out! Thank you for reading my stories and also thank you a lot for your help or prayers! 
Hugs Ratna

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2 Reacties

  1. Reislogger:
    17 januari 2019
    Welkom bij Reislogger! We wensen je veel plezier op reis!
  2. D’ andere mama:
    17 januari 2019
    Goed idee Ratna!👍🏽